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Rubber Foam Insulation Material

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Rubber Foam Tube
Rubber Foam Tube

Rubber Foam Tube

  • Introduction

NBR foam rubber tube

Custom high density soft rubber foam protective cylinder and NBR foam rubber tube for packing galvanized steel pipe.

Physical Properties

Tested ContentTested Value
Apparent density kg/m40-95
Thermal Conductivity W/(m-k)0°Chs0.038
Moisture permeability Moisture≤10%
permeability coefficient g/(m-s-Pa)≤4.4x10-10
Wet resistance factors6
Vacuum water absorption %Oxygen Indexz32% Low smoke density Class B1
Flame retardant performanceClass 0
Toxicity of burning smokeZA3 security level
Dimensional stability %(105*℃±3°C, 7d)≤10
Compression rebound rate %(Compression ratio50,72h)≥70
Aging resistance 150hSlightly wrinkled,no cracks, no pinholes,no deformation
Applicable temperature range℃-50~110