To be sure the foam rubber is clear before you glue it. This is very important! Wipe the dirty or dusty foam rubber using a damp cloth. While glue remains wet Waste off both foam and guide prior cleaning Placed it into the surface. You also maybe need to cut the foam rubber into needed shape and sizes. Use a scissor to carefully cut it out so that it fits perfectly where you want to use this sticker.
There is a good choice for adhesive! Unfortunately, not everything sticks to foam rubber. Some glues won't adhere goo, or it'll break apart whenever temperature levels go to common extremes. If your foam rubber project is going to be exposed outdoors this is especially bad. In this situation, you should always select an adhesive that was developed for foam rubber. Search for labels that indicate they are safe on foam materials!
Now you apply the glue. Apply a uniform layer of glue on the foam rubber. Note: Some glues require you to apply it both on the foam and the surface of which you are glued. Now read the guidelines carefully before you go ahead with gluing. This way you can get an idea for when to use it, and how much.
You should gently and firmly press the foam rubber onto the surface once you have glued it. To make it cling strongly, you can press them down with your hand or a roller. Pressing it down makes a good glue bond. Press all around the edges to get everything nice and stuck.
Its definitely important that the foam rubber is dry on contact after glued. It is very important to establish good loyalty! There are glues that require an hour or even two before you can approach the foam rubber. Take your time and try not to rush this process, as ideally the stronger you bond is, the longer lasting any project you make will be.
Make sure to read the glue manual which is includes. This will give you the idea of how long it needs to dry, what glue should be used and how its application is/WebAPI It can prevent you from making potential fatal mistakes to your project.
If new to foam glue, then best try some on a small project. In this way also you be able to understand the nature of glue before farther go into bigger and more composite projects. This refresh will help you translate with more confidence and less fear of making a mistake.